Sunday, June 11, 2006

i envy those that truly pursue their dreams. my life aint bad but i wonder sometimes if i'm living the life that i'm supposed to live. i know it's not about what you do for living, but it's how you live what you do that truly matters. but i can't help but wonder... what if?

what if i didn't go to cal? what if i didn't major in eecs? what if i didn't go to kcpc? what if i didn't work at chevron (not like i had any other options but still)? how different would my life be? would it be any different? could it be better?

usually i'm a very level-headed guy. mr. practicality, if you will. but i don't think ive been enough of a risk-taker. what does this have to do with pursuing dreams, you ask? well, i think my practicality has been somewhat getting in my way of even thinking about what my dreams are. what do i see myself doing in 5 years? 10 years? honestly, other than the fact that i wanna be either working overseas, getting my masters degree, or getting married, i have no idea.

...i just realized those are pretty good places to start. overseas, masters degree, or marriage. hmm. sometimes you just gotta babble to yourself to find some answers.

keep babbling kevin. keep babbling..


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