Saturday, December 10, 2005

If you own an iPod, you probably put it on 'Hold' when you're not using it - probably because you don't want its power to turn on accidentally and use up all of battery life. Well, here's the interesting thing about this:

Have you ever put your iPod on "Hold" and tried to use it again in a few days, only to find out that battery was WAY lower or even completely gone even if it was on 'Hold'? I'm SURE you have.

I think it's because 'Hold' actually uses up the battery. How? I have no idea. But I've experimented with it often enough to tell you that it does. Try not using the 'Hold'. You'll find that the battery life actually stays where it's supposed to be.

Here's another useful info:

Use Chevron gas. It's really better than some of other brands, such as Shell. My car has been kinda shaky lately (literally - it's been rattle-y), especially when I go over 70 mph. When I use the Shell gas and the Chevron gas, there's a world of difference in the rattling level. So go use Chevron.

I'm really not biased about this. Really, I'm not.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha sure youre not biased, and yes i've noticed the battery thing too

12:40 PM  

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