Friday, February 18, 2005

embarassing moment..

i had a paper due today at 11am. so i got up around 9:30 to finish up the last paragraph that i couldn't finish last nite and got ready and went to class. when i got there around 11:05, there were strangers that i've never seen before in the classroom. that's kinda weird, i thought. maybe they cancelled the class and i didn't know about it? maybe they moved the classroom just for today? i have this class at 11am rite? all these thoughts were going through my head. so i call a friend of mine who's in the same class. she didn't pick up. so i was just kinda wandering around looking for my class. then, at that moment, i just realized that....THE CLASS STARTS AT 9:30AM, NOT 11AM!!! OH #$&@!!!! i started panicking. but i was calm enough to look through my notebooks and find the syllabus for the class and i found out where my professor's office is. so i run there. i knock on the door. she comes out, looking kinda confused with a 'who the hell is this?' kinda look. im panting from running to the office as i begin to explain to her why i didn't make it to the class and that i came to turn in my paper now.

"i forgot what time the class starts."


she smiled at me with a 'you are the worst liar' look. i felt embarassed, no doubt. but i was telling the truth!! anyways, luckily, she accepted my paper, which is gonna be a B paper at best anyway. as i started to walk back home from this adventure, i got a call from the friend that i called earlier. why weren't you at class? you know we had a paper due rite? she asked. i told her what happened. then she began to laugh. sure, go ahead, i thought. and then she went on to tell me this: today, about half the class were missing. and the professor was telling the class how every time when something is due, people come up with the STUPIDEST excuses for not turning it on time, not coming to class, etc.

ah, that explained the look on her face when i turned in my paper.

"i forgot what time the class starts."



Anonymous Anonymous said...

hi kev! i didn't know you had a blog. now i know what's going on with you! (sorry so mia..)
see you tomorrow~

2:29 PM  

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